
Reignwood Horse Culture Exhibition held in Reignwood Art Museum


On the afternoon of September 28, the Reignwood Horse Culture Double Festival Exhibition, hosted by Reignwood Culture Foundation, was held at Reignwood Art Museum in Beijing. The exhibition aims to delve into the intertwining and fusion of art and culture, while honoring the significant role of "horses" in Chinese traditional culture.

During the event, artist Song Lianmin shared his inspiration and artistic exploration journey behind his "Horse" series of works, allowing the audience to gain a deeper understanding of the stories and meanings behind his artworks.

The exhibition immerses visitors into Song Lianmin's artistic exploration of the equine realm, where he delves into the significant spiritual totem of "horses" in Chinese traditional culture and skillfully integrates it with his own works. Audiences are privileged to embark on a poetic and philosophical artistic journey, delving into the profound implications and symbolic potency of horses within Chinese culture. Through his distinct artistic language, Song Lianmin captures the spirit of horses, conveying deep emotions and reflections.

The exhibition features a collection of 20 themed artworks, emphasizing the profound significance of horses in Chinese traditional culture and their deep-rooted connection with the emotions of the Chinese people. It delves into the spiritual essence and artistic charm of horse culture. The exhibition will be available for public viewing until December 31, 2023.

This is more than just an art exhibition; it is a cultural legacy that sparks people's passion for art and culture. Moving forward, the foundation will harness its strength as a social organization to establish groundbreaking public cultural spaces, drive the fusion of traditional Chinese culture and contemporary art, and contribute to the advancement of cultural and ethical development.